Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wed. April 4 - Hardest Workout in Years

Weekly Mileage: 22 (3 days)

2 mile warmup
4 x 1 mile hard w/5 minutes rest
1 mile cooldown

Wow, I knew this was going to be the hardest workout I had done in years going in, but I wasn't prepared for how much it was going to hurt. Weather was great again today, but it was super windy this afternoon so there was no easy way to do this type of workout.

I went out to Moraine State Park, which meant the miles would be on rolling hills and two would be with the wind at my back and two would be with it right in my face.

I warmed up on the cinder trail and did some plyos before running the intervals on the bike trail.

The first one felt terrible. I never got into a rhythm and really didn't feel strong at all. Never a good start to a hard workout. I was on pace with about 100 meters to go and relaxed through the finish in 5:45.

The second mile was more uphill with a big uphill finish and the wind in my face. I got into a much better rhythm the first half mile and pushed up the hill to finish in 5:41.

The third was probably my best one. I felt fluid and strong the whole mile and never struggled. Finished in 5:37 but knew the last one was going to be really hard.

Last mile was uphill and into the wind and really hurt. I got out well before the wind really hit and I went through the first half a little fast. The wind and the last hill really hurt but I still brought it in at 5:33

All in all, I am pleased. If you told me Jan. 1 I would be able to lay down four sub 5:45 miles today I would have said you were crazy. Plus, I got a solid 15 miles the last two days and was coming off a hard 5k effort Saturday.

Warmup in Supernova Ride
Workout in Fastwitch 5 (really really like these shoes)

Next Up
We have a home track meet and a night lacrosse game tomorrow night, so I am going to have to get my run in during the day. I am going to probably go in for a few hours in the morning and then try to get my 7-8 mile run in sometime around lunch. Track meet starts at 2. Lacrosse at 7. Should be done working by 10. Oh the life of an SID!

Other Junk
Still not drinking enough water. Need to keep reminding myself that during the day.

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